How do I change the sensitivity of my device?

How do I change the sensitivity of my device?

In a normal situation, the sensitivity of your NoiseAlarm device should be at level 3, however, there are times when it may be better to raise or lower it.

An annoying noise for the neighbours does not have to be a very loud noise in the apartment, there are buildings that due to its structure and construction materials make it very simple for the slightest noise to pass to the adjoining floor, creating discomfort to the neighbours .

If on any occasion you receive a complaint from a neighbour and our device has not alerted you, do not worry, raise the sensitivity to 4. Probably what has been said above. This way you will find out much earlier when there is any discomfort to them.

To change the sensitivity of your NoiseAlarm device, you must access your username and password to www.panel.roomonitor.comOnce there you have to go to "active monitors". Click on the room in which you want to modify the sensitivity. In this new window at the top right we have the "Settings" section (marked with a red circle in the image).

Once inside, in the “Noise” section you have the scale called “Microphone sensibility” (see image below). Remember that on the scale level 1 is the least sensitive and 4 the most sensitive.